What’s to Like About January You Ask?

If you live in the US like I do, January is cold. You may have snow, you may have rain, you may have ice and snow. Fortunately, I work indoors. However, I do have animals that require care, and they are outdoors. It takes longer to put on the Winter gear than to do what needs to be done outside. Growing up snow meant going out to play.  I suppose you can still do that. I am a warm weather type of person.

So, while we tend to be indoors more, I try to do things such as look at photo albums and the box of pictures in no particular order. I love to remember life with my spouse of 40+ years, my parents, siblings, friends, children, grandchildren, pets, and my own history and say “yes” I was there. I love to organize my closets. Sometimes you find things you were looking for weeks ago. It can be a treasure hunt of sorts. Watching your favorite movies and reciting the lines as the movie plays. It can be a time to slow down, breath, and remember the past; have gratitude for the moment; and daydream about the future.